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Location Toyota Land Cruiser 200

Information sur la voiture


Discover The Pamirs offers new car - Toyota Land Cruiser 200 - for renting with a driver within Pamir region and Tajikistan as a whole. Toyota Land Cruiser 200 is a luxury car and suitable for both for off-road and inside the cities. For reservation of the car, please send us request three days earlier before taking the car, using the reservation form.

Caratéristiques techniques

Marque: Toyota

Modèle: Land Cruiser

Variante: 200

Transmission: Automatic

Type de carburant: Petrol

Consommation: 22,0 lrs/100km

Sièges: 7

Portes: 5

Baggages: 5

AC: Oui

Galerie: Oui

Autres équipements: Radio, CDPlayer

Informations sur la location

Disponibilité: Disponible

Options de location: with driver

Prix: USD 0,85/km

Départ fixe: Non

Portes: 5

Baggages: 5


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