Trekking zum See Sarez und Wakhan Korridor Jeep Tour
Trekking to Pamir, Tajikistan ,
Jeep Tour
Sarez, Tadschikistan
Eine 17-tägige kombinierte Tour, die 7 Tage Trekking (Barchidif-See Sarez-Yashilkul) und Wakhan-Korridor-Jeep-Tour umfasst. Während dieser Tour besuchen Sie das Bartang-Tal, viele Seen, Festungen, heiße Quellen, Museen und den Botanischen Garten. Während des Trekkings wird das Gepäck auf Eseln und Gepäckträgern getragen.
Höhe Punkte:
Besuch des Bartang-Tals
Erstaunliche Aussicht auf den Sarez-See
Segeln im See
Trekking im Bartang-Tal
Entdecken Sie das Wakhan-Tal.
Schwimmen in heißen Quellen
Besuch von Museen, Solarkalendern, Festungen usw.
Arrival of the guests in Dushanbe. Meeting at the airport and drop off to the hotel. After lunch, sightseeing in Dushanbe.
Driving to Qalai Khumb via Tavildara. Beautiful landscape! Overnight in a guesthouse in Qalai Khumb.
Driving to Basid village. On the way, short photo stops along the Panj river. Overnight in a guesthouse.
Driving to Barchidif village via Roshorv village. A short hike in Roshorv to the foot of the Labnazar peak (2 hours). After lunch continue driving towards Barchidif village. Overnight in a homestay.
Trekking to the Lake Sarez. Distance: 20 km, takes 8 hours. Your luggage will be carried by donkeys and porters. Overnight in a tent at the lake.
The donkeys and porters will go via the land, while you will be dropped off to the Irkht with boats. Overnight in a tent under blue sky.
The distance of this trekking is 20 km and takes approximately 7-8 hours. There is a shepherd in this camp, so you will see the life style of the shepherds also. You will be offered milk, cheese and yogurt in the camp. Overnight in a tent.
Uchkul lake means 'three lakes'. The distance is 12 km and takes 6 hours approx. We will put tent near the lake at the camp.
We will go via the Chapdar Lake which is situated on the altitude of 4500m. After enjoying the fantastic view of the lake and taking photos, we go down to the camp 5 - Qarghizshabar. Overnight in tents
Another beautiful trekking day, along the small river that does down to Bachor village. Overnight in tents near the river.
Trekking to the Yashilkul lake. The cars will pick you up at the lake and drop you to your homestay in Bulunkul village. After taking shower, relax after the long trekking. For dinner, you will be offered fried fishes, which they catch from Bulunkul lake. Overnight in a guesthouse.
Driving to Langar village of the Ishkashim region via Khargush pass. Visiting petroglyphs in Langar. Overnight in a guesthouse.
Ishkashim is a region with lots of interesting places to see. Today you can visit Abreshim qala, Bhudda stuppa in Vrang, Suffi Muboraki Wakhoni Museum and Yamchun fortress and swim in Bibi Fotima hotspring. Overnight in a guesthouse in Yamg
On the way, visit Qah-qaha fortress. and Garmchashma hot spring. Places to visit in Khorog based on your time: Khorog museum, Khorog Botanical Garden, which is the second highest botanical garden in the world, Chorbogh Central Park, the bazzar (local market).
Driving to Qalai Khumb. Stop for lunch in Qalot. Overnight in a guesthouse in Qalai Khumb.
Driving to Dushanbe via Kulob. Relax in your hotel after a long drive.
Drop-off to the airport. Flight
Preis auf Anfrage
Wichtige Hinweise
Der Besuch des Sarez-Sees erfordert eine besondere Erlaubnis. Sie müssen die Tour also 10 Tage vor dem Startdatum der Tour buchen.; Küchenutensilien werden von uns zur Verfügung gestellt; Bitte bringen Sie Schlafsack, warme Kleidung und Regenkleidung mit.
Private Tour,
Mehrtägige Tour
Dauer:17 Tage
Aktivität:Trekking to Pamir, Tajikistan,
Jeep Tour
Sarez See
Yashilkul See
Wakhan Korridor
Saisonabhängigkeit:Mai - Oktober
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