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A Travel Guide to Tajikistan

Last updated: Giovedì 22 Dicembre 2022 12:53

Welcome! You are one more step closer to Tajikistan! :) In this page we try to gather general information about how to get to Tajikistan,

Flying to Tajikistan

The main hub for traveling to Tajikistan via air is the Dushanbe International airport (DYU). The main carriers into and out of Tajikistan are: Turkish Airlines (Turkey), FlyDubai (UAE),  and Somon Air (national carrier). Other carriers: Uzbekistan Airline (Uzbekistan), Ural Airlines (Russia), Utair (Russia), S7 Airlines (Russia), Air Astana (Kazakhstan).

Visit Tajikistan by land

Currently, crossing to Tajikistan using land border, you can enter Tajikistan from Uzbekistan only. The other crossing borders with other countries are closed temproraryly. You can cross to Tajikistan using the Samarqand - Panjikent border crossing, if you want to combine the Tajikistan tour with Silk road tour of Samarqand.